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Facebook is now bringing security keys to protect the accounts of all individuals-

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Today we will talk about facebook, almost all people know about facebook and they use facebook everyday.

Facebook updates 2021

What is facebook -

Facebook is a platform by which you can share the sadness of your personal life with all the people. you can connect your personal life with other people through fb.facebook is the world`s largest social network company. through fb, you can chat with unknown people by making them your freind  and you can share the sad -joy of your life with your friends. facebook is used in almost all countries . if talking about fb features, then its is important to chat and talk live. you can interact with individuals by going live on fb. facebook is a medium through which you can grow your business over fb. if you have a business, you will be able to grow it through fb. on facebook,  you will be able to grow your business by joining fb groups, with the help of this you will get a great advantage within the business. there are many ways you can grow your business over fb.

Facebook is used in almost every part of the  world . almost everyone has an account on fb, all of them use facebook. but many times, hackers hacks fb users`s accounts and gets their information, due to which many people have suffered heavy losses. every fb user wants that his account is never hacked. but now will not have to face this problem because fb is now bringing " security keys " to protect the account of all the people, all of you will not have to face this problem. many years ago, the security of our home institution was dependant on the lock-key, but now the time has changed, now it is the time of technology, internet compenies have changed the security scale by using virtual as password. in the era of these technologies, our home, institution bank, vault has become almost everything dependent on passwords.

Recently, the world`s largest social network company,ie facebook, has announced that in order to improve deta security, it will provide physical safety key to users access the world in the next year. accourding to nathaniel galiker, head of fb`s security policy, users will be able to by this token or physical key from various retailers. users can also buy these keys online. you will be able to use it as soon as you register it with fb. facebook has said that the attackers target information related to social media of people . if you are not an actor, leader or chief minister, it does not mean that you are not an important person in your ares or you cannot be hackers. fb has been using two-step verfication and red type monitoring as part of the protection till now to prevent hackers attacks, but with the lounch of physical safety, it is believed that technology companies are also being subjected to security standares that have been in exitance since last year have to return . facebook believes that if the user uses the "security-key" then he will not be able to infiltrate his account even if he creck the password till now, facebook gets such security only for the high profile account of us leaders, government agenies and polling personal. but now fb is arranging such " security-key" for every user. in the next year, users around the world will have such a security- key . you will be able to use physical " safety- key" for identity verification before facebook login on mobile app or destop.

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                 WRITER- ABHAY TANK

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