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1. Do you know that an owl is the only bird that can see only blue colour. 2.some people are allergic to cow`s milk more than other foods. 3.a cat`s urine glows under black light. 4.pigs can keep their mating passion up for 30 minute. 5.human birth control pills work on gorillas. 6.the oge of a squirrel is 9 years. 7.Do you know that the lizard`s heart beats 1000 times in 1 minute. 8.a hedgehoe`s heart bites 300 on average. 9. if a small amount of liquor is put on a scorpion, it will go mad and sting itself. 10.a giraffe can clean its ears with its 21 inch long tongue. 11.an oskich has an eye larger than its brain. 12.butterflies taste an object with their feet. 13.Some lions cohabit 50 times a day. 14.horses use facial expressions to communicate among themselves. 15.Do you know that a cow sleep while standing.Recruiters are the most active referrals on linkedin and twitter.
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