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Friends, if you are looking for a job for yourself, then social media is a very good platform . surveys say that 94% hiring experts seek condidates on social media. as per the cast, 93% companies use linkdin, 66% facebook and 54% twitter for recruitment. as far as job seekers are concerned, only 36% is active on linkdin, 40% is on twitter and 83% is active on facebook. this means that linkdin and twitter are better for hiring. similarly, every professional skill group has talent communities, keep their profile in the current.
Garner referrals on social media
You can use facebook to take help of your network and extended network to bring your company`s too, references from employees are taken seriously. opportunities are more easily available when you are flexible about location and designation from sector. constantly monitor opportunities.
Special portals for all types of jobs
To find a job , also take the help of space laijan job portal. coding with 2 million developers to solve code challenge on hacker rank. CA job portal.com can take help to find CA . CAS and AMBA ( finance ) jobs. similarly, you can take help of ABjobs.com to find aviation related job. get the help of retailcrossing.com. manufacturing jobs.com for retail jobs and legal stoff.com for legal professionals.
Enhance the experience even more
IF you want to bring your experience to the company, then apart from twitter and linkdin, there are many platforms where you can learn new skills and also showcase your experience .developers can manage projects or develop software with millions of developers in addition to hosting and reviewing cods on sites like github. similarly, you can create inforgraphics or sketch notes on youtube channel or instagram to showcase your feature.